Friday, November 16, 2012

Moon Sand

I saw this idea on Pinterest to make "Moon Sand" with only two ingredients. I needed to investigate. The blogger at delia creates had already tested it with good results. So I decided to give it ago for my princess.

A turkey with "Mood Sand"

Materials needed:
*1 cup baby oil
* 8 cups flour

Mix ingredients in a ziploc bag or bowl. And play! Easy.

I only had about 4 cups of flour and used 1/2 cup of baby oil. Mixed it in a bowl and it worked pretty well.

Not super firm, but still fun for the princess to play and work those fine motor skills. She was able to build a tower and was very happy with herself.

Quote from the princess, "Mommy, this playdough is awesome!" This was a huge hit at this house!

Just a warning though, it can be messy. In fact, I actually allowed my child to make a mess. (GASP!) She played for two hours with this "moon sand" and was having so much fun.

I figured I would just vacuum up the mess. But honestly? A broom and dust pan had it cleaned up in a less than five minutes. So the mess wasn't too bad. Now had it been in carpet? I am not so sure.

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