Monday, November 26, 2012

The easy peasy scarf.

Scarves, scarves and more scarves. Love them. I want them all. However, since I can't afford to just buy all the scarves I want, I can make them. Did you see my Doctor Who scarf? But what if you don't know how to crochet or more importantly, you don't have time to crochet? And you just want to make something fun and easy? Then how about this fun scarf that can be found on pinterest?

It's made from a T-shirt. No really it is.

* extra-large t-shirt
*9 inch paper plate
*fabric pencil/marker
*fabric glue (or if you prefer needle and thread or if you have a sewing machine)
*embellishment (opitional, I used a flower)

You will trace the plate on the shirt using the fabric marker. You need about 8 circles. I used large t-shirt and it had some small writing in the left corner so I only got 6 circles out of the shirt. I also did not trace my plate. I just cut around the plate. No need to worry about super-straight edges on this one. So don't worry about that as you cut. I also cut through both layers so I didn't have to cut 6 times, just 3.

Cut each circle into a spiral shape. Then you will stretch each piece. The edges will curl up.

Put a bit of glue on the end of one piece and attach another. Let them dry. You will repeat this for the remaining pieces so now you will have 4 or in my case, 3 long strips. I did not have any fabric glue, well truth be told I don't know where mine is. My sewing machine was out so I just used a very simple stitch to tack the pieces together. I didn't even worry my thread was orange!

 With a scrap tie them together at the half .

You just made a cute scarf. Now you can add flower or something extra if you would like to your new scarf. I added a red flower and asked my favorite girl to model this new creation.

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