Saturday, November 24, 2012

Christmas Carol Candle Holder

Today's craft is making another small candle holder using a mod podge effect. Because Christmas is around the corner I decided to make it with the holiday in mind.

Materials needed:
* mason jar (I used an old pickle jar)
* copy of sheet music (I printed this sheet music off here: VintageFeedsacks )
*Xacto knife
* star stencil
* ribbon
*Mod Podge
*sponge brush.

First I measure out how I wanted the music to lay on the jar and where I wanted the "star" cut out to be. I cute the music into small squares, but allowing the words to remain in order. I cut the title seperately.
Then I traced the star stencil and cut out the stars using an Xacto knife. I ended up with 3 windows. 

I then put a thin layer of the mod podge onto the jar. Brushed some of the glue onto the back of one of the slips of paper. Placed the paper onto the jar. Repeated for the remaining pieces. After all were placed, I then brushed a layer of mod podge onto the jar to seal the paper to the jar. 

I let it dry and then I tied a ribbon to the top of the jar. I added some salt to the bottom of the jar to help my tea light stay in place, but you don't have to.

 Christmas carol candle holder complete! 

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