Sunday, November 18, 2012

Thankful Garland

With Thanksgiving very close, we have started doing some "Thanksgiving" themed crafts. Today's craft came from another Pinterest find. Princess wanted to make the "thankful garland". We altered ours for what we had on hand.

*Paint, markers or crayons (or whatever you want to "color" with)
*brushes or something that can be used a brush (i.e. sponges)
*paper (we used postal paper the link to blog from pinterest had used paper bags)
*tape to tape the paper down while they paint
*hole punch
*string or yarn
* pen/marker

First cut off a piece of paper. I cut off a good size for her to paint. Get the paint ready and them them go to town.

Princess painting on her paper. 

Once the paint is dry, cut out "leaf" shapes. Punch holes in the leaves and write what you/your child is thankful for.

String on the yarn/string.
Princess holding her thankful garland.

Hang it up wherever you would like!

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